November 28, 2021
Studies have shown that massage is effective in treating a range of symptoms related to a variety of conditions. Massage may be used to treat or prevent a range of physical and psychological conditions. Massage is perhaps one of the oldest healing traditions. Many ancient people including the Greeks, Egyptians, Chinese and Indians were convinced...
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October 31, 2021
There is plenty of research showing that inflammation can increase during menopause due to declining estrogen. Estrogen is anti-inflammatory, so it makes sense that as it decreases, inflammation increases. This change can occur during any stage of menopause. The primary female hormone, estrogen protects joints and reduces inflammation, but when estrogen levels drop during menopause,...
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September 22, 2021
Tendonitis is a condition where the connective tissue between your muscles and bones (tendons) become inflamed, often caused by repetitive activities tendonitis can be painful. Tendonitis is a fairly common problem according to the Bureau of Labor statistics, tendonitis causes more than 70,000 people to miss work per year. It is important to understand its...
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August 25, 2021
Craniosacral therapists see the cranial system of plates, sutures and membranes in the skull as having mobility, the capacity to breathe. Head injuries and concussion can adversely this mobility and affect the free flow and stable pressure of cerebrospinal fluid and blood flow. The gentle manipulations can restore plate, suture and membrane mobility and promote...
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July 24, 2021
The majority of your lymphatic system surrounds your gut, your gut health and the health of the intestinal villi is essential for lymph flow, detoxification and immunity. The intestinal lymphatics also play a key role in delivering absorbed dietary fats to the liver for processing. When the intestines become inflamed or irritated from chemical additives...
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February 14, 2021
Symptoms of Ross River Virus Rash appearing on the trunk and limbs Lymph nodes enlarged especially in the groin and armpits Fatigue and lethargy Muscle aches and pains Headaches Fever Lymphatic Massage benefits: Improves lymph circulation Calms the nervous system Encourages the immune system Removes toxins from the tissue Reduces inflammation Restores the lymph system...
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