5 tips for post surgery

November 24, 2018

A working lymphatic system is essential to the body’s ability to regenerate tissue, drain fluids, filter out foreign substances and toxins, detoxify and maintain a healthy immune system.

A lymphatic massage after a face lift, tummy tuck, breast surgery or liposuction etc helps to ease side effects, swelling, bruising and discomfort, it is crucial to work with a qualified massage therapist who is an expert in manual lymphatic drainage. Surfcoast Massage  is fully qualified to assist with the after effects of surgery.

It is common for patients to experience certain symptoms after these procedures – pain bruising and swelling are the most common. Lymphatic drainage is very effective after post surgery and the benefits are:

  • Minimise scar formation
  • Speed up the body to heal more quickly
  • Supports the immune system
  • Relaxes the nervous system bringing down the stress levels
  • Removes metabolic waste, excess fluid, toxins, bacteria, enlarged protein molecules and foreign substances from the tissue.

Without a functional lymphatic system the body swells and aches and we feel sluggish and even sick. Lymphatic drainage can help the lymph system flush these fluids and cleanse the system of impurities.

Surfcoast Massage is fully qualified in manual lymphatic drainage and is located in Torquay and Jan Juc and is happy to help and discuss your treatment. If you would like further information or to book contact Lisa on 0438668878.