Pregnancy Cushion

October 18, 2014

When having a pregnancy massage it’s important to be comfortable, the pregnancy cushion is tailored to the expectant mothers needs.

During a pregancy massage the mothers body is properly positioned and supported using the pregnancy cushion. The pregnancy cushion ensurers the expectant mother’s positioning is comfortable and safe for the mother and baby. The pregnancy cushion is designed for pregnancy massage it can be raised with side wedges as the pregnancy progresses. The adjustable face crest ensurers perfect positioning for the head and neck while the knee bolster takes pressure off the lumbar region. The pregnancy cushion suspends the body, alleviates pressure on the breast , abdomen and lower back while supporting and decompressiong the spine.

Benefits of a pregnancy cushion:

  • Supports the body structures and cradles the entire body without pressure
  • Allows the body to breath deeply
  • Adjusts to all body types
  • It is specially shaped to conform to the positions and lines of the human form.
  • Allows you to lie face down for the full term of your pregnancy.
  • The practitioner can provide effective treatment to the client as they lie prone.

The pregnancy cushion is the only way to have a safe and comfortable massage during your pregnancy. Surfcoast massage is a qualified practioner in pregnancy massage and refers all clients on to other health professionals to get the best results. Ideally we recommend four weekly sessions throughout the pregnancy to consistently loosen the muscles in line with the growth of the baby. You can claim through your health fund for rebates and gift vouchers are available.

If you would like further information or to book please do not hesitate to contact us.